Message from Denise Scrafton, International Skål Councillor Australia

Denise Scrafton

International Skål Councillor Australia

Dear Fellow Skålleagues 

The Skål International Council has made some strong recommendations to the Skål International Executive Board over the past few years. Several of those recommendations have resulted in an improved International Congress format, the introduction of the Membership Development Fund, professionally branded Trade Events, improved Membership Categories and the introduction of an ISC strategy – amongst other projects. Our major focus and discussions have revolved around quality Global Membership Development and Retention. 

We now find ourselves in unchartered waters and fighting for the organisation’s survival, while a pandemic ravages our beautiful world and industry. The reality is that Skål International is the only global Tourism industry association that brings the entire Tourism industry and all sectors of the industry together. Collectively, we can discuss recovery issues, share ideas and support each other in so many areas. It is absolutely imperative that we stay in contact and work together. 

The new Skål International website has the many capabilities, that many of us are still learning to navigate, but I do urge all Skålleagues to use the website to display your businesses with a deal. Your borders may be closed to international bookings, but I strongly suggest in the absence of overseas tourists you promote to fellow domestic Skålleagues and their friends and families. If your destination is fortunate enough to be receiving international flights, then also use this capability to promote your businesses further afield. 

In times of hardship, the world should be working together. It has never been easier to communicate with clubs and fellow Skålleagues around the world. We need to take advantage of our global network and use those contacts to help our recovery. If you need any information please contact you Councillor, the Skål International Head Office in Spain or local Skål International Committee. 

Stay Safe and Stay in Touch with fellow Skålleagues.

Yours in Skål,

Denise Scrafton

Vice President Skål International Council 

International Skål Councillor Australia